Correcting or Deleting AutoChart Live Data

This article will instruct you how to manually delete or correct unwanted AutoChart Live data. Any irregular or unwanted data (such as lost depth) can be corrected on the control head. For additional details see the manual linked below.  

It is very common to max out an AutoChart Live card just through surveying.  What we typically find in these circumstances, is that there are also sonar recordings on the card which take up a great deal of capacity.  The operations manual for this product can be found at this link.  Information on file management begins on page 26.

Special Note: Recording MUST be turned off while you correct your data.

HELIX Series

  1. Chart X-Press Menu: With a chart View displayed on-screen, press the MENU button once.
  2. Select "AutoChart", press the RIGHT cursor key.
  3. Turn Off Recording: Select "Record" and use the LEFT directional key to turn recording "Off".
  4. Select "Show Raw Data", then press the RIGHT cursor key.
  5. Press the EXIT button once to return to the Chart View.
  6. Use the directional keys to move your cursor over AutoChart Live data.
  7. Press the ZOOM (+) key until you can see individual data points (colored squares).
  8. Move the cursor on top of a data point.
  9. Press the MENU button once.
  10. Open the AutoChart menu and select "Delete". Then press the RIGHT cursor key.
  11. Repeat as necessary until all undesired points are deleted. Once finished, recording can begin again.


  1. With a Chart View displayed on-screen, tap "Chart" in the status bar, or press the MENU key once.
  2. Select "AutoChart"
  3. Turn Off Recording: Select "Record", tap the On/Off button, or press the ENTER key, to turn it off.
  4. Staying in the AutoChart menu, select "Show Raw Data".
  5. Press the EXIT key once to return to the Chart View.
  6. Press the ZOOM (+) key until you see individual data points (colored squares).
  7. Tap the data point, or use the Joystick to select the data point
  8. Tap "Chart" in the status bar or press the MENU key once.
  9. From the AutoChart menu, select "Delete Data".
  10. Repeat as necessary until all undesired points are deleted. Once finished, recording can begin again.
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