New Software Releases and Rebates Available
There are now new software releases for XPLORE and MEGA Live 2 available in the software section of our Help Center. Be sure to check out our rebates on select HELIX 5 and HELIX 7 products along with MEGA 360 and MEGA Live 1st generation products from January 1, 2025 through March 31, 2025. Our winter hours are: Monday-Friday 7:00 am to 5:30 PM Central Time.
FISH FINDERSInformation regarding current and legacy products, transducer compatibility and installation.
MAPPINGInformation regarding AutoChart, LakeMaster, CoastMaster and other mapping products
SONAR & IMAGINGInformation regarding our transducers, sonar settings and other sonar related equipment
ONE BOAT NETWORKInformation regarding our networking, navigation and NMEA accessories.
SOFTWAREInformation regarding Software Updates, software-related troubleshooting, and HumminbirdPC. Click on SOFTWARE UPDATES to view the model selection screen.
GENERALInformation regarding orders, services and promotions