If you are checking on an order placed through FactoryOutletStores.com please see this linked FAQ. While Factory Outlet Stores may carry our products, they are not directly affiliated with the Humminbird brand nor Johnson Outdoors. They are an online retailer for many brands and are independent of any brands.
If you have placed an order with any other business, you will need to follow up with that business. We have no visibility to their online order systems nor to their product availability.
If you need to check on the status of an order, cancel an order or change the ship to address on an order that was placed on our website, https://humminbird.johnsonoutdoors.com, please send an email to the following link.
If you need to check on the status of an order, cancel an order or change the ship to address on an order that was placed via phone with our Technical Support Team, please go to the following link.
Humminbird sends order and shipment confirmations for all order types. Order confirmations are sent shortly after an order has been placed. Shipment confirmations are sent in the evening after the shipment has been made.
Make sure you add support@humminbird.zendesk.com to your safe sender list so that these emails are not blocked and placed in your spam folder.
This would include: sales orders, repair orders, credit returns and transducer exchanges.