Create a Custom Shoreline from Google Earth

This article will instruct you how to create a custom shoreline in Google Earth and then import that shoreline into AutoChart PC or AutoChart Pro.

Create a Shoreline in the Google Earth Mapping Service

  1. On the Menu Bar, select "Tools" > "Launch Google Earth"
  2. Zoom in (+) until you have a clear view of the area.
  3. Select "Add" in the tool bar at the top of the screen.
  4. Choose "Path" in the drop down menu. 
  5. Enter a name in the dialog box. Do NOT close the dialog box.
  6. Use your mouse to draw the shoreline in one of the following ways:
    • Hold down the left mouse button and drag the pointer along the shoreline.
    • Check points across the shoreline
  7. When you are finished drawing, click "OK" in the dialog box.
  8. In the "Places" panel (on the left hand side of the Google Earth screen), right-click your saved path file.
  9. Select "Save Place As".
  10. Save the file as a ".kml" file.

Import the Shoreline

  1. Open AutoChart
  2. On the Menu Bar, select "File" > "Import/Convert"
  3. Select the .kml file you saved in the previous section. This file will be converted now to an .acd file.
  4. On the menu bar, select ""File" > "Open". Then select the .acd file you created in the previous step.
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