CZone - Digital Switching

APEX and SOLIX products are compatible with CZone Contact 6 and Contact 6 Plus through the NMEA2000 module.  

Any SOLIX with software version 3.50 or higher and all APEX must be directly connected into the NMEA2000 network in order to show CZone is connected. CZone will not share between units on the network.  

If the CZone controls are white then the unit is directly connected to the NMEA2000 network.

If the CZone controls are grayed out then the unit has seen the CZone before and lost connection to it or you are trying to share it across the network.  But it does not share.  

If CZone is directly connected into the NMEA2000 network and you still do not have a connection make sure the NMEA2000 backbone is properly powered

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