Restoring Purchases in the FishSmart App

If you have recently changed mobile devices or are missing maps/charts from your FishSmart library, it may be necessary to restore your purchase history to your mobile device. We have provided instructions for both iOS and Android users below.

NOTICE: As of October 03, 2022 the FishSmart App and single lake purchases are no longer offered in the App Store or the Google Play store as new purchases. All existing purchases and past downloads will continue to be available as long as the same account is in use. 

The One Boat Network App is its replacement. You can learn more here

iOS Users

The process of restoring your in-app purchases will be done in the FishSmart app itself. Perform the following:

  1. Your device must be connected to a high speed internet connection.
  2. Open your FishSmart App
  3. Tap on the gear symbol in the top right of your screen; this will open the "Settings" menu.
  4. Tap on "Restore Purchases"
    • Your device may require you to enter your Apple ID and Password. If so, make sure to enter the same Apple ID account information that the purchases were made under.

  5. A banner at the bottom of the screen will display the restore status. Wait until it displays: "Restore Complete"

  6. Close the Settings menu by tapping the "X" in the top left of your screen.
  7. Tap on "ChartSelect Maps" > "Owned". Your previously purchased maps should now be displayed. 


Android Users

In order to restore in-app purchases on an Android device, perform the following:

  1. Your device must be connected to a high speed internet connection.
  2. If your FishSmart App is open, you will need to Force stop the app before continuing. 
  3. Ensure the device is logged in with the Google Play Store Account (may be a current or past email) that was used for the original purchases. To check this, follow these steps:
    • On the device, tap on your "Settings" app > "Accounts"* > "Manage Accounts".
      • If the account needed is not displayed, select "Add Account" > "Google". Then enter the details for the Google Account
  4. Once the Google Account is logged into on the device, open the FishSmart App and tap on "ChartSelect Maps" > "Owned". Your previously purchased maps should now be displayed. 

*May also be listed as "Accounts & Sync" or "Accounts and Backup"


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